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Abstract Paint

 Artist Bio 

Hello lovely people my name is Ellen Burgin. I am studying landscape architecture where I get to use my creative brain to design various landscape projects! I have been practicing art ever since I was a kid. Art has always been something that drives my soul. I have always found a love of art through drawing and painting. Pen, pencil, charcoal, watercolor,  and acrylic paint have been my go to mediums. It was not till college that I started diving into digital art. Because of my major, I have had the privilege of learning how to use photoshop, illustrator, and indesign to advance my art tool box. I make art because of many reasons. It is meditative to me, it allows my creativity to flow, and I love that the art community is a beautiful place to express myself. I enjoy making art for myself and others. I love when I can create something unique for my friends and family because it comes from the heart and it is fun for me. This being said, my art stretches from being something thrown on a canvas to let my imagination flow naturally, or a well thought out piece for someone important to me. I took a ton of art classes in Highschool where I grew as an artist mostly in painting and watercolor. That is when I created most of my art. I am excited that I am at a point in my life where I am starting to create again. I will now use my digital art skills to create posters for my club, The Boulder Barefoot Walkers Club, and other fun projects that come my way.

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