I personally loved this article and this project as a whole because I am a very present person. I think a lot of people get caught up in the “noise” of everyday life, but there is so much to learn in the “silence”. When I say silence, what I mean is that there is usually a lot to learn and hear in the silence. John Cage states, “There’s no such thing as silence” because there is not. Finding meaning in the background is similar to saying finding the meaning in the little things. There is so much we can appreciate about big productions in life, but I like how Cage does not want us to forget the true meaning of art. That art is in everything and every little aspect of life. On a more musical level he says, “let sounds just be sounds”. I think this is so beautiful because he wants to blur the lines between art and life. Artists that break the boundaries are the ones that create new levels of the art world. Cage had an innocent heart that wanted to open people’s eyes to new perspectives. A lot of people were not having it though and ridiculed him. We can all learn from this. It reminds us that even legends get ridiculed and it never stops them from being who they are and creating history. He took the path of resistance and became very successful, and so can all of us if we just believe!
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